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The first stage of the religious formation is the Candidacy period ,when new members are welcomed into the community ,live with our sisters, experience the prayer and  ministry of the sisters .Those with S.S.L.C shall do the Plus Two course before Aspirancy. The candidacy period usually lasts from one year to three years.​

Church Altar
Image by Kevin Ianeselli
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The length of Aspirancy is for one year. Here the candidates learns more about community and is led through a program of prayer, spiritual  reading, and a very general introduction to religious life. During this time those in charge get an opportunity to study the candidates closely with regard of their motivation to religious life, intellectual capacity moral and spiritual qualities, physical, mental and emotional set up and natural tastes and aptitudes .

Aspiring Pilot
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The Postulancy is a period of a preparation for the religious life. The aim of the postulancy is two fold :

​1) To promote a human and spiritual maturity of the candidate that will make her aware of God s call and dispose her to make a progressive transition from life in the world  to the life of novitiate .


2) To allow the authorities  to know the candidate  and judge the whether she has the human, emotional and spiritual maturity needed to assume the obligation of religious life. Emphasis is placed on the candidates total development, so that she is prepared to make her choice freely and responsibly. Each candidate is guided and encouraged to deepen her religious knowledge and interior life. The postulants spend eight months in the formation house under the leadership of a mistress. Then about four months they go for exposure   programs  of real life experience in the apostolate and community life. There They have the opportunities to involve in various apostolic works of the congregation .

Image by Kevin Ianeselli
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The fundamental period of religious formation is the novitiate. In our congregation the novitiate lasts 2 years , the first year the canonical year, being designated for intensive spiritual formation. The novice mistress guides the formation process and instructs the novices in subjects such as the interior life, knowledge of the congregation, its history, spirituality, constitutions, rules, and apostolic works.

After the first year of novitiate, the novices go for regency in our convents and begin to work in the various fields of our apostolate together with professed sisters, as part of their training.During the final two months - before the first profession of the vows of obedience, chastity and poverty - the novice returns to an intense period of prayer and recollection.

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The goal of the Juniorate is the unfolding and deepening of the temporarily professed sisters vocation by practical life experiences and helping her on to maturity. Programmes during this period should provide the sister with solid spiritual and doctrinal formation which is of prime importance, together with professional studies, community experience and apostolic involvement. As a preparation of perpetual profession all the temporarily professed sisters shall make one year of common Juniorate.

Man Cleaning Windows
Image by Kevin Ianeselli
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After a period of six years in temporary vows and following a period of preparation and prayerful discernment sisters make Final Profession. Continuing formation is important because the religious is not simply called and consecrated once. Formation has to be effected in a consecrated person through her life time, through constant study, exercise and formation. The call of God and the consecration by Him continue throughout life to its final consummation, when the religious meets the Lord definitively in death." (Essential Elements, 44)

Barley Grains
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Vimala Province Ernakulam is the oldest province of CMC congregation. The Congregation of the Mother of Carmel (CMC) the first indigenous congregation for women in India was founded on February 13,1866 by Saint Kuriakose Elias Chavara  and Rev, Fr. Leopold Beccaro OCD, an Italian Carmelite missionary.

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Vimala province 

Carmel Provincial House

Kovilvattam Road

Ernakulam, Kochi -682035


0484- 2945853
+91 7994175599

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