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Administration 2021 - 2024
Sl. No | Name | Designation |
1 | Sr.Little Flower | Provincial superior |
2 | Sr.Rita Jose | Vicar Provincial |
3 | Sr. Lusy Maria | Councillor of Dept. of Faith Formationn and Mass Media |
4 | Sr. Pavana | Councillor of Dept. of Education |
5 | Sr. Ann Therese | Councillor of Dept. of Renewal |
6 | Sr.Reeta Jose | Councillor of Dept. of Social Upliftment |
7 | Sr. Soumya Thomas | Councillor of Dept. of Healing Ministry |
8 | Sr. Catherine | Secretary |
9 | Sr. Shalome | Finance Secretary |
Administration 2018 - 2021
Sl. No | Name | Designation |
1 | Sr. Shubha Maria | Provincial superior |
2 | Sr. Vineetha | Vicar Provincial |
3 | Sr. Vineetha | Faith Formationn and Mass Media |
4 | Sr. Vimal Jose | Councillor of Dept. of Education |
5 | Sr. Sini Sebastian | Councillor of Dept. of Renewal |
6 | Sr.Josmi Maria | Councillor of Dept. of Social Upliftment |
7 | Sr. Annie Jincitta | Councillor of Dept. of Healing Ministry |
8 | Sr Graceme | Secretary |
9 | Sr.Shalome | Finance Secretary |
Administration 2015 - 2018
Sl. No | Name | Designation |
1 | Sr. Shubha Maria | Provincial superior |
2 | Sr.Lia | Vicar Provincial |
3 | Sr. Lia | Councillor of Dept. of Faith Formationn |
4 | Sr.Little Flower | Councillor of Dept. of Education |
5 | Sr.Shanthini | Councillor of Dept. of Renewal |
6 | Sr.Pavithra | Councillor of Dept. of Social Upliftment |
7 | Sr. Elsitta | Councillor of Dept. of Healing Ministry |
8 | Sr. Akhila Maria | Secretary |
9 | Sr. Tresa Paul | Finance Secretary |
Administration 2012 - 2015
Sl. No | Name | Designation |
1 | Sr.Grace Therese | Provincial superior |
2 | Sr.Mary Shalini | Vicar Provincial |
3 | Sr, Vineetha | Councillor of Dept. of Faith Formationn |
4 | Sr. Mary Shalini | Councillor of Dept. of Education |
5 | Sr.Vineetha | Councillor of Dept. of Renewal |
6 | Sr.Josmi Maria | Councillor of Dept. of Social Upliftment |
7 | Sr. Ancitta | Councillor of Dept. of Healing Ministry |
8 | Sr.Sheeja Therese | Secretary |
9 | Sr. Shanthini | Finance Secretary |
Administration 2009 - 2012
Sl. No. | Name | Designation |
1 | Sr. Grace Therese | Provincial superior |
2 | Sr.Tessy Kurian | Vicar Provincial |
3 | Sr.Sergius | Councillor of Dept. of Faith Formationn |
4 | Sr.Tessy Kurian | Councillor of Dept. of Education |
5 | Sr.Sergius | Renewal |
6 | Sr.Subha Maria | Councillor of Dept. of Social Upliftment |
7 | Sr.Helen Mary | Councillor of Dept. of Healing Ministry |
8 | Sr.Jasmin Jose | Secretary |
9 | Sr.Naomi | Finance Secretary |
Administration 2006 - 2009
Sl. No. | Name | Designation |
1 | Sr.Vincent Mary | Provincial superior |
2 | Sr. Subha Maria | Vicar Provincial |
3 | Sr. Subha Maria | Councillor of Dept. of Faith Formationn |
4 | Sr. Leena Paul | Councillor of Dept. of Education |
5 | Sr.Jolly | Councillor of Dept. of Renewal |
6 | Sr.Sophy Isaac | Councillor of Dept. of Social Upliftment |
7 | Sr.Betty | Councillor of Dept. of Healing Ministry |
8 | Sr.Suja Maria | Secretary |
9 | Sr.Liberia | Finance Secretary |
Administration 2003 - 2006
Sl. No. | Name | Designation |
1 | Sr.Vincent Mary | Provincial superior |
2 | Sr.Grace Joae | Vicar Provincial |
3 | Sr.Sergius | Councillor of Dept. of Faith Formationn |
4 | Sr.Grace Jose | Councillor of Dept. of Education |
5 | Sr.Srgius | Councillor of Dept. of Renewal |
6 | Sr.Shantha Maria | Councillor of Dept. of Social Upliftment |
7 | Sr.Delsy Maria | Councillor of Dept. of Healing Ministry |
8 | Sr.Lissanto | Secretary |
9 | Sr.Ancy | Finance Secretary |
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